2024-2025 Master Thesis Topics
(Already Selected)
Here is the list of topics which are already selected by students for their master thesis
Field of Study:
Supply Chain Analysis in Offshore Wind Energy
Energy Logistics, Supply Chain Management
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
The transition from fossil fuel-based to renewable energy systems is needed for the green transformation to decarbonize our economic systems and mitigate climate change. Offshore Wind Energy is one of the necessary sources in this transition.
Given the urgency of effectively mitigating climate change, the market share of renewables is planned to increase very quickly.
Among the many requirements for growing renewable energy, the critical role of the supply chain is often forgotten. The Offshore Wind Energy Supply Chain is new and in development. There are no guarantees that the supply chain can perform under the predicted increase in demand.
This thesis should analyze the Offshore Wind Energy Supply Chain, find challenges and bottlenecks, and propose ways to mitigate delays in Offshore Wind Energy in Europe.
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Fleet Sizing Methods for Offshore Wind Energy O&M Support Vessels
Energy Logistics, Optimization, Data Science
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
The transition from fossil fuel-based to renewable energy systems is needed for the green transformation to decarbonize our economic systems and mitigate climate change. Offshore Wind Energy is one of the necessary sources in this transition.
Given the urgency of effectively mitigating climate change, the market share of renewables is planned to increase very quickly.
It is crucial for offshore wind farms to have their operation and maintenance expenses at the minimum level. Vessels are the most important part of the logistics costs in offshore operations. Having the correct support vessel fleet sizing avoids disruptions in the operation with a minimal cost.
This thesis should review the literature about failure forecasting and fleet sizing in offshore wind energy O&M support vessels and implement a quantitative approach to determine the optimal fleet sizing under uncertainty.
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Supply Chain Analysis in Offshore Oil & Gas
Energy Logistics, Supply Chain Management
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
Nowadays, oil is the main source of energy in the world, and natural gas is the third one. The two sources that share the same supply chain are responsible for more than 50% of the world's energy supply. In Norway, since the 1970s, oil and gas have been the main export commodities, playing a crucial role in the Norwegian economy.
In Norway, oil & gas production is 100% offshore.
Now, numerous aspects are adding dichotomies to the oil and gas industry. On the one hand, we have higher demand because the Europeans need to shift gas suppliers to Western countries, and on the other hand, the planet needs to reduce emissions.
This situation challenges Offshore Logistics, which must improve its capacity, reduce emissions, and keep costs at the same or lower level.
This thesis should analyze the Offshore Oil and gas Supply Chain, identify challenges, and propose ways to mitigate them.
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Offshore Oil & Gas Support/Supply Vessels Optimization
Energy Logistics, Optimization, Data Science
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
Nowadays, oil is the main source of energy in the world, and natural gas is the third one. The two sources that share the same supply chain are responsible for more than 50% of the world's energy supply. In Norway, since the 1970s, oil and gas have been the main export commodities, playing a crucial role in the Norwegian economy.
In Norway, oil & gas production is 100% offshore.
Now, numerous aspects are adding dichotomies to the oil and gas industry. On the one hand, we have higher demand because the Europeans need to shift gas suppliers to Western countries, and on the other hand, the planet needs to reduce emissions.
This situation challenges Offshore Logistics, which must improve its capacity, reduce emissions, and keep costs at the same or lower level.
This thesis should review the literature about quantitative methods applied to optimize vessel operation in the Offshore Oil and gas industry and/or implement a quantitative approach to optimize vessel planning (at strategic, tactical, or operational levels)
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Energy Logistics, Optimization, Data Science
Energy Logistics, Optimization, Data Science
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
Nowadays, oil is the main source of energy in the world, and natural gas is the third one. The two sources that share the same supply chain are responsible for more than 50% of the world's energy supply. In Norway, since the 1970s, oil and gas have been the main export commodities, playing a crucial role in the Norwegian economy.
In Norway, oil & gas production is 100% offshore.
Now, numerous aspects are adding dichotomies to the oil and gas industry. On the one hand, we have higher demand because the Europeans need to shift gas suppliers to Western countries, and on the other hand, the planet needs to reduce emissions.
This situation challenges Offshore Logistics, which must improve its capacity, reduce emissions, and keep costs at the same or lower level.
This thesis should review the literature about quantitative methods applied to optimize helicopter operation in the Offshore Oil and gas industry and/or implement a quantitative approach to optimize helicopter planning (at strategic, tactical, or operational levels)
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Hydrogen / Ammonia Supply Chain Analysis
Energy Logistics, Supply Chain Management
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
The transition from fossil fuel-based to renewable energy systems is needed for the green transformation, which will decarbonize our economic systems and mitigate climate change.
Given the urgency of effectively mitigating climate change, Hydrogen and Ammonia will be crucial as energy carriers.
Ammonia and Hydrogen have special storage and transportation requirements. Their market is new and being developed now and in the near future.
This thesis should analyze the hydrogen and ammonia supply chain, find challenges and bottlenecks, and propose ways to mitigate these potential problems while considering socioeconomic aspects.
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Supply Chain Analysis in Energy Incumbent Sources
Energy Logistics, Supply Chain Management
Contact Details:
Paulo Cesar Ribas
The transition from fossil fuel-based to renewable energy systems is needed for the green transformation, which will decarbonize our economic systems and mitigate climate change.
Given the urgency of effectively mitigating climate change, the market share of renewables is planned to increase very quickly.
Among the many requirements for growing renewable energy, the critical role of the supply chain is often forgotten. Some incumbent Energy Sources (Biofuels, solar, geothermal, etc.) will be part of this green transformation. However, there are no guarantees that the supply chain can perform under the predicted increase in demand.
This thesis should analyze at least one Incumbent Energy Source Supply Chain, find challenges and bottlenecks, and propose ways to mitigate these potential problems in Norway and Europe.
Selected By:
Field of Study:
Logistics within local food production in Møre and Romsdal county
Supply Chain Management / Logistics Analytic / Transportation
Contact Details:
Berit Irene Helgheim / Arild Hoff
Various topics within the local food industry. The text is published in Norwegian, but international students can apply as well. The thesis should anyway be written in English.
Forslag 1 – Verdikjedeanalyse av lokale matprodukter:
Studenten vil gjennomføre en omfattende verdikjedeanalyse for en eller to utvalgte kategorier av matprodukter (f.eks. frukt/grønt og kjøtt/meieri) som selges lokalt til restaurant/reiseliv. Dette inkluderer å kartlegge alle stegene fra produksjon til salg, identifisere verdiskapende og ikke-verdiskapende aktiviteter, og foreslå forbedringer for å øke effektiviteten og lønnsomheten til produsenten. Studenten bør gjennomføre dybdeintervjuer med et representativt utvalg av lokale produsenter for å få innsikt i deres utfordringer og behov.
Forslag 2 – Analyse av transportløsninger for lokalmat:
Studenten vil undersøke transportmulighetene for små lokalmatsprodusenter i Møre og Romsdal, med mål om å forbedre salgsflyten til restaurant- og reiselivssektoren. Oppgaven vil innebære en grundig analyse av potensielle transportruter og -løsninger, samt utvikling av strategier for å maksimere effektivitet og tilgjengelighet. Målet er å fremme en mer effektiv salgsflyt mellom lokale produsenter og restaurant- og reiselivssektoren.
Forslag 3 – Analyse av mellomlagermuligheter for lokalmatsprodusenter:
Studenten vil fokusere på å analysere og utrede mellomlagermuligheter for lokale matprodusenter i Møre og Romsdal, med mål om å styrke salgsflyten til restaurant- og reiselivssektoren. Studenten vil kartlegge behovet for mellomlagring blant lokalmatprodusenter, identifisere potensielle lokasjoner og modeller for mellomlager, og utarbeide strategier for implementering. Målet er å gi innsikt i hvordan mellomlager kan bidra til en mer effektiv forsyningskjede og foreslå mulige løsninger for implementering.
Forslag 4 – Sammenlikning med beste praksis
Studenten vil studere og sammenligne logistikk- og distribusjonspraksis for lokalmat i Møre og Romsdal med andre regioner eller land som er kjent for vellykket lokalmatdistribusjon. Målet vil være å identifisere beste praksis som kan adopteres eller tilpasses for forholdene i Møre og Romsdal.
Selected By: