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Master of Science in Logistics

Logistics entails organizing the flow of products, services and information from raw materials to the end user. For a large number of industrial and business companies, achieving high quality logistics operations will be the key competitive factor for future success. There is therefore a considerable focus on logistics in the business world. Accordingly, the job market for students with a master’s degree in logistics is generally good.

The program aims to give a thorough analysis and understanding of problems, challenges and solutions associated with all parts of the value chains: purchasing and supply, production planning, inventory management and distribution planning, including the management of transport services. Understanding the relations between different value chains, (Supply Chain Management) is also a major focus in the program.

Anna Konovalenko


M.Sc. in Logistics

Logistics Analytics

"The program is very interesting, teachers are very knowledgeable and guiding. Also it’s so beautiful scenery and great environment with students from all over the world."

"Навчальна програма є дуже цікавою, вчителі завжди раді допомогти. Також в університеті надзвичайні краєвиди та такі гарні можливості знайти друзів з усього світу."

The approaches to problem solving in logistics requires a broad understanding of the subject matter in order to arrive at satisfactory solutions on the basis of an analysis of alternatives. Logistics as a scientific discipline thus rests on a broad spectrum of disciplines, such as economics, information/communication technology, business administration, organization and management, as well as quantitative methods based on mathematics, operations research and statistics. The involvement of all these topics in logistics makes it exciting and challenging to study logistics at this level.

Students in the program will choose one of the two main specializations, called Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics Analytics (LA). Students choosing the SCM-variant must – before the second semester starts – choose between three different sub- variants: Advanced Supply chain management, Information systems, and Transportation in SCM. Students choosing the LA-variant must- before the second semester starts-choose between two different sub-variants: LA or Operations Research.

Supply Chain Management is suited for students with an interest in organization, business and to some extent social science. Although mathematics and statistics is used, the focus is more on the qualitative aspects involved in the management of the value chain. Suitable backgrounds include supply chain management, economics, business administration, among others.

Logistics Analytics -is meant for students interested in quantitative methods for analyzing, planning and management of activities involved in procurement, production, inventory and distribution within and across companies. Mondern topics as big data, visual analytics and robotisation will be covered. Ideal backgrounds are (quantitative) logistics, mathematics and computer science


The program is taught entirely in English and currently includes students from more than 10 different countries, many outside Europe. This means that those participating in the program will have the benefit of belonging to a truly international group of students and to enhance their language skills, making them ready for logistics careers in an ever more globalized economy


Learning outcome: 

After completing the program, the successful candidate is expected to:

General Competence

  • be able to communicate about professional issues relevant to SCM and logistics, on an expert- as well as a common level

  • be able to apply acquired knowledge and skills within new areas of research and applications

  • be able to read scientific papers and other academic work with a critical view


  • have advanced knowledge about supply chains and logistics in general

  • have specialized knowledge about selected topics when dealing with different types of supply chains

  • have extensive knowledge of scientific theories and methods relevant to managing supply chains and operations within such chains

  • have advanced knowledge of the relations between supply chains and relevant theories within economics and business administration

  • have advanced knowledge about logistics, operations research and operations management in general



  • be able to use advanced theory and methods to identify inefficiencies in supply chains

  • be able to propose improving organizational/structural changes and suggest ways of implementing such changes in a supply chain.

  • be capable of performing a limited supervised research project within a supply chain in line with ruling academic standards of the field

  • be able to identify operational challenges/problems in supply chains and logistics systems and to assert the relevance of models and methods to resolve these

  • be able to select relevant models and methods for approaching a given logistical problem.

  • be able to chose and use relevant software and technology in implementing computer-assisted solution methods

For more details Click here.

© Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics, Norway 

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